Werewolf Wild West Companion Pdf Merge

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Lucy west companion quests
  1. South West Companion Pass
  2. Lucy West Companion Quests

Thanks to Kevin Powe for his genre advice and enthusiasm for this project. Some artwork Misfit Studios, Copyright 2005 by Steven Trustrum, used with permission. All Rights Reserved.


South West Companion Pass

Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0: Any and all Clockwork Golem Workshop logos and trade dress, including all Clockwork Golem Workshop Product and Product Line including but not limited to After Sunset and After Sunset: Werewolves. All text on the page marked Introduction. Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of After Sunset: Werewolves are designated as Open Game Content: All text from page 3 to page 13. The mention or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.

Werewolf The Wild West - A Storytelling Game of Horror in Times Past Blood's been spilled on these plains by the gallon.The humans, our families. Werewolf: The Wild West Screen And Book. The Wild West Werewolf: The Wild West Companion Ananasi. Werewolf: The Apocalypse Available PDF Character.

Lucy West Companion Quests

This PDF may not be distributed without the permission of the author. The werewolf is a classic archetype of the gothic and horror genres. While it hasn’t received as much focus as creatures such as vampires in recent gothic-action films and TV programs, they are slowly starting to make inroads into the genre as both a savage villain and a powerful hero.

Whether they are solitary victims struggling for release or savage packs fighting a vicious war for territory and vengeance, werewolves continue to stake their claim in our consciousness as an iconic creature of the night. Whether they are serving as adversaries or heroes, they retain the kind of imagery and power that catches our attention as viewers.

While d20 already includes rules for werewolves as monsters, they are clumsy and difficult to implement in a game where the GM wants to open the classic archetypes of horror and gothic narratives up to his players as player characters. The After Sunset line owes its existence to a host of films, TV shows and computer games that have started to blend elements of gothic horror and fast-paced action movies into a seamless whole. Each release is designed to provide GMs with the some of the tools they need to imitate hi- octane gothic-action films, games and novels that merge aspects of horror with a stylized action aesthetic. Films that set aside the human everyman of classic horror, replacing him with butt-kicking kung fu masters taking on hordes of vampires. Games where wild werewolves fight urban turf wars against hordes of zombie street gangs.

Working out the right balance between the werewolf’s natural abilities and those provided by other races and character classes can be a nightmare, and may ultimately serve to kill some campaigns before they can get off the ground. Presented here are rules for treating the werewolves as a player race in d20 campaigns, designed to allow players to start howling their way through combat right from first level. In addition, the PDF include a range of options available to those who want to build their hybrid warrior into a true engine of destruction. They can be played alongside human heroes with ease, offering a player an archetype that is different in focus but no more powerful than a human fast hero or dedicated hero of the same level.