Installing Asterisk On Synology Forum

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  1. Synology User Forum

Hi everyone, First of all, please accept my apologies in advance if this post is supposed to go somewhere else or whether I am asking a stupid question. I have been using various free SIP services over the past few years to stay in touch with my parents. I stay in Asia and my parents are back in Europe, so initially we both started with an SPA-3102 at each of our houses. This worked great with the occasional hiccup in connection. About 2 years ago, we switched to a different SIP server – I think it was because Google at the time bought the other service and then shut it down in preference of Google Voice or something like that.

This worked ok, but again, recently we've been running into a lot of issues. At times, I can't hear my parents for 10-15 seconds or we can't hear each other at all and have to disconnect. This sometimes lasts for several days after which it resolves itself. Also, we have many cases where the service just won't connect at all and it will display Registration Failed. When my SPA-3102 died, I opted for an upgrade to a Gigaset with SIP support.

There are 2 possibilities to install Asterisk on your NAS Through the Asterisk QPKG available from the QNAP forum. Installing Asterisk On Synology. So I’ve installed asterisk by installing nslu2-optware and used ipkg to install it. FreePBX on Synology Disk Station.

TL;DR version: I was considering moving away from different SIP providers and configure my Synology Diskstation as my own SIP server using Asterisk. So, the question is: How do I go about configuring Asterisk on my Diskstation to be used as an SIP Registrar? Is there some easy to use Step-By-Step guide available for the Web GUI version?

I'm not sure if this is even a valid question, but can Asterisk even be used for me to call my parents via SIP from my Gigaset to their SPA-3102 without having a standard landline service in use? I've done some digging around, but the links I found would be about old CLI configurations and all seem to be talking about totally different things, making me wonder whether I'm even on the right path.

Synology User Forum

Thanks a million in advance for your feedback! A sip box (Asterisk) will experience latency problems as well, if that is the issue. Just use your Gigaset.

But as my parents are using an Sipura and I'm using my Gigaset, we still need an SIP provider right? The reason I wanted to use the Synology box with Asterisk is so I can take the SIP provider out of the equation and know what's going on if there's any issues.

So, to answer your suggestion: Yes, I'd still use my Gigaset, but I would still need to set up Asterisk on my box to make phone calls right? Yes, I'd still use my Gigaset, but I would still need to set up Asterisk on my box to make phone calls right? No, your Gigaset can talk directly to any Sip provider, if you have the right SIP settings for it. My C610IP can have up to 4 different SIP providers at any one time, and depending on your Gigaset unit, you can also use, Gigaset's high definition audio VOIP network.

But as my parents are using an Sipura and I'm using my Gigaset, we still need an SIP provider right? They need to use a SIP provider, as do you. If you are using different providers, you need to use one that cross connect to each other (not all do), or, you can both use the same SIP provider. Moral is, you do not need an Asterisk box to be able to use VOIP / SIP, only SIP capable devices.

Asterisk falls in to Call recording, IVR and funky stuff like that (as well as SIP calls). I have 3 providers set on my Gigaset. Mynetfone, Telecube as well as my own Asterisk box. I can select any one of them to dial out from. Call out on Mynetfone, Call out on Telecube, or call out through Asterisk (Telecube) so I can record the call.

Mynetfone only allows one device to register, Telecube allows up to 10 through its unique individual device registration system. OP if you have a bad internet connection at either end it doesn't matter if you use a VSP or your own Asterisk box it won't fix the connection problems. Now to answer your question, you can install Asterisk on the Synology by just following the instructions in the Synology manual. You then setup both yourself and your family as extensions onto your Asterisk server. You will need to probably open ports (security problem unless you run IPTables), or setup Synology to be a VPN end point and then you need a phone at your family which can connect via VPN. If you don't have a fixed IP address, you will need to use DynDNS or NoIP to give you a host name which points to your dynamic IP address.

Installing Asterisk On Synology Forum

You enter this host name in the SIP server settings of your family phone and extension, username, password. Now you should be able to call each other for free simply by dialing each others extension number.

The Synology uses the Asterisk GUI, if you need other manuals to follow both the IP04 from Rowtel / Atcom – and the MyPBX from Yeastar run similar web GUI's – As you can see it's quite a bit to setup up and leaves you open to hacking from Chinese phone card underground scumbags. It's much easier to have 2 accounts with a VSP and just call locally between them using your VSP as the SIP server. Leaves your Synology protected behind a firewall and NAT as well instead of opening up some ports to it to the world. I stay in Asia and my parents are back in Europe, This seems an ideal application for 2 obis. I have this setup between here and the US. We can each call each other for free on the obitalk network which is a proprietry protocol which performs like voip but is no way identifiable as a voip call. We can also dial out at either end via the free obitalk link and then bridged to any configured trunks at the remote end be they voip or pstn which then appears as a local call at that end.You can set up so that your retain management of both devices from your location.

The Obi110 costs US$ 50. See this OBI post.

Hello everybody, I have a DS508 (comparable with the 509+). It’s a diskstaion, others like to call it NAS-server, from A great product but I found out that you can do alot more with it. So I’ve installed asterisk by installing nslu2-optware and used ipkg to install it. (More info: ) (More info: ) Everything working fine, I have installed the extra sound package, and the diskstation itselve already has php, mysql, etc installed.

The OS on the diskstation is busybox. Now I’m wondering, has anybody ever tried to install freePBX on a synology disk station or on a busybox installation?