Dungeon Siege 1 Patch Itau

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The first official non-beta patch is available and will update your v1.0 install to v1.1 Fixed all known Journal update issues related to quests. The Journal now updates correctly when a quest is completed or a new quest is received. Fixed all known content placement issues such as inaccessible containers that could not be opened and 'floating' objects. Increased game performance in several previously low-performance areas. Resolved all known issues with end bosses, such as Gom not fighting back on rare occasions. Fixed all known fading issues. New command line options: noalttab=true: prevents task switching during gameplay (supported in Windows XP only) nowinkeys=true: disables the Windows keys (supported in Windows 2000 and Windows XP only).

  1. Dungeon Siege 1 Patch
  2. Dungeon Siege 1 Download
  3. Dungeon Siege Legends Of Aranna

Minube is my travel companion, one that I always carry with me in my pocket or my backpack. It's where I share the experiences I have and it's where I go to find.


Dungeon Siege 1 Patch

Userpath=: specifies where the user files go (rather than My DocumentsDungeon Siege). Other path-related command line options are: keyspath, mappaths, modpaths, respaths, savepath, and shotspath. Fixed the issue of a missing or moved 'My Documents' folder causing problems such as crashing on game start. Improved many error messages to include more information to better help diagnose hardware configuration problems. Added an hourglass cursor to show when the game is busy.

Dungeon Siege 1 Download

Switched to 100% client/server model to be more NAT- and firewall-friendly. Removed 'chunky' and 'superchunky' cheat codes.

A history of archaeological thought pdf file. Displacers now save their state in the character save file in multiplayer using new quest saving functions, affording some measure of 'saving' in multiplayer. 'Transmute' scroll can no longer transmute characters into gold. Fixed problem of characters getting 'stuck' in the Swamps.

A mod that aims to blur the lines between Dungeon Siege 1 and 2 graphically and engine-wise. As of now, it's just a port of DS2's logic file into DS1. I'm not sure what is or isn't needed, so if anyone can help me, it'd be much appreciated. Patch Notes: v1.01. characterdefaults.gas removed - Didn't have any apparent effect.


Dungeon Siege Legends Of Aranna

console.gas removed - Didn't have any apparent effect. inputbindings.gas removed - Forced you to either rebind everything or hit 'Default'. I think DS2 did have some minor improvements on the controls, and these will be implemented and explained in version 1.02.